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day in the life of a mediator

A Day in the Life of a Mediator

A day in the life of a mediator. Find out all about our mediation processes, how the pandemic has actually helped us resolve cases quicker, and what the future holds in terms of the day-to-day for our mediators.

Mediation: A Reflection a Year into the Pandemic

It’s been a year since the first national lockdown and I’ve been reflecting on what’s been and thinking about what’s to come in the world of mediation. Find out all about the latest trends and the changes the industry has seen here. We’re also currently offering free 1-hour consultations so please contact us to book yours in!

lockdown tensions rise

Southway Housing: Tolerance Levels Are Being Tested Under Lockdown

Here we will share an article from our partners Southway Housing so you can get the benefit of their experience on the front line of dealing with tenant disputes and an understanding of how mediation has played a key role in supporting them combat a rising number of cases during lockdown.

mediation housing associations

Mediation in Practice

Here we look at the training and consultations we’ve delivered to two new housing association clients to give you a glimpse of mediation in practice. What sort of experience had these clients had with mediation before? What are the main challenges for housing associations with tenants at the moment? How has Covid-19 changed things? And following the training, how are they going to respond better to disputes that arise in the future? Here we answer these and more.